
The following hooks can only be used if the component that uses it is a children of a ReactFlowProvider.


It can be used to modify the viewport of the react flow graph. Example:
import { useZoomPanHelper } from 'react-flow-renderer';
export default () => {
const { fitView } = useZoomPanHelper();
return (
onClick={() => fitView({ padding: 0.2, includeHiddenNodes: true })}
The useZoomPanHelper hook returns an object containing the following functions:
  • fitView = ({ padding: number, includeHiddenNodes: boolean }): void - fits the view to the nodes on the pane. padding is 0.1 and includeHiddenNodes is false by default
  • zoomIn = (): void - zooms in
  • zoomOut = (): void - zooms out
  • zoomTo = (zoomLevel: number): void - zooms to passed zoom level
  • transform: (transform: FlowTransform): void - sets the transform of the pane
  • setCenter: (x: number, y: number, zoom?: number): void - sets the center to the passed params. If no zoom is passed the maxZoom is used
  • fitBounds: (bounds: Rect, padding?: number): void - fits the pane to the passed bounds (object with width x, y, width and height: { x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100 })
  • project: (position: XYPosition) => XYPosition: Transforms pixel coordinates to the internal ReactFlow coordinate system. This can be used when you drag nodes (from a side bar for example) and need the internal position on the pane.
  • initialized: boolean - true when hook is initialized
You can find an example of how to use it here: useZoomPanHelper example


When you are programatically changing the number or the position of handles inside a custom node you need to notify react flow about it with the useUpdateNodeInternals hook. It also updates the internal size. Usage:
import { useUpdateNodeInternals } from 'react-flow-renderer';
export default () => {
const updateNodeInternals = useUpdateNodeInternals();
return <button onClick={() => updateNodeInternals('node-id')}></button>;
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