
The control panel contains a zoom-in, zoom-out, fit-view and a lock/unlock button. You can use it by passing it as a children to the ReactFlow component:


import ReactFlow, { Controls } from 'react-flow-renderer';
const FlowWithControls = () => (
<ReactFlow elements={[]}>
<Controls />

Prop Types

  • showZoom: boolean - default: true
  • showFitView: boolean - default: true
  • showInteractive: boolean - default: true
  • style: css properties
  • className: additional class name
  • onZoomIn: callback function that gets triggered when the zoom in button is pressed
  • onZoomOut: callback function that gets triggered when the zoom out button is pressed
  • onFitView: callback function that gets triggered when the fit-to-view button is pressed
  • onInteractiveChange: callback function that gets triggered when the lock button is pressed - passes the new value
Typescript: The interface of the Controls Prop Types are exported as ControlProps.

Extended Controls

When you want to add buttons to the control panel you can use the ControlsButton component and pass it as a children to the Controls component:
import ReactFlow, { Controls, ControlButton } from 'react-flow-renderer';
const FlowWithExtendedControls = () => (
<ReactFlow elements={[]}>
<ControlButton onClick={() => console.log('action')}>
<FancyIcon />
<ControlButton onClick={() => console.log('another action')}>
<AnotherFancyIcon />

ControlsButton Prop Types

All props get passed to the ControlsButton component.
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current version: 9.6.9