Prop Types

This is the list of prop types you can pass to the main ReactFlow component.
import ReactFlow from 'react-flow-renderer';

Basic Props

  • elements: array of nodes and edges (required)
  • style: css properties
  • className: additional class name

Flow View

  • minZoom: default: 0.5
  • maxZoom: default: 2
  • defaultZoom: default: 1
  • defaultPosition: default: [0, 0]
  • snapToGrid: default: false
  • snapGrid: [x, y] array - default: [15, 15]
  • onlyRenderVisibleElements: default: false
  • translateExtent: default [[-∞, -∞], [+∞, +∞]]
  • nodeExtent: default [[-∞, -∞], [+∞, +∞]] defines the extent for the node positions
  • preventScrolling: default true if true default browser scroll behaviour is prevented

Event Handlers

  • onElementClick(event, element): called when user clicks node or edge
  • onElementsRemove(elements): called when user removes node or edge
  • onNodeDragStart(event, node): node drag start
  • onNodeDrag(event, node): node drag
  • onNodeDragStop(event, node): node drag stop
  • onNodeMouseEnter(event, node): node mouse enter
  • onNodeMouseMove(event, node): node mouse move
  • onNodeMouseLeave(event, node): node mouse leave
  • onNodeContextMenu(event, node): node context menu
  • onNodeDoubleClick(event, node): node double click
  • onConnect({ source, target }): called when user connects two nodes
  • onConnectStart(event, { nodeId, handleType }): called when user starts to drag connection line
  • onConnectStop(event): called when user stops to drag connection line
  • onConnectEnd(event): called after user stops or connects nodes
  • onEdgeUpdate(oldEdge, newConnection): called when the end of an edge gets dragged to another source or target
  • onEdgeMouseEnter(event, edge): edge mouse enter
  • onEdgeMouseMove(event, edge): edge mouse move
  • onEdgeMouseLeave(event, edge): edge mouse leave
  • onEdgeContextMenu(event, edge): called when user does a right-click on an edge
  • onEdgeUpdateStart(event, edge): called when user starts to update an edge
  • onEdgeUpdateEnd(event, edge): called when user ends an edge update (for TS users: this is a normal MouseEvent and not a React.MouseEvent like the other ones).
  • onLoad(reactFlowInstance): called after flow is initialized
  • onMove(flowTransform): called when user is panning or zooming
  • onMoveStart(flowTransform): called when user starts panning or zooming
  • onMoveEnd(flowTransform): called when user ends panning or zooming
  • onSelectionChange(elements): called when user selects one or multiple elements
  • onSelectionDragStart(event, nodes): called when user starts to drag a selection
  • onSelectionDrag(event, nodes): called when user drags a selection
  • onSelectionDragStop(event, nodes): called when user stops to drag a selection
  • onSelectionContextMenu(event, nodes): called when user does a right-click on a selection
  • onPaneClick(event): called when user clicks directly on the canvas
  • onPaneContextMenu(event): called when user does a right-click on the canvas
  • onPaneScroll(event): called when user scrolls pane (only works when zoomOnScroll is set to `false)


  • nodesDraggable: default: true. This applies to all nodes. You can also change the behavior of a specific node with the draggable node option. If this option is set to false and you have clickable elements inside your node, you need to set pointer-events:all explicitly for these elements
  • nodesConnectable: default: true. This applies to all nodes. You can also change the behavior of a specific node with the connectable node option
  • elementsSelectable: default: true. This applies to all elements. You can also change the behavior of a specific node with the selectable node option. If this option is set to false and you have clickable elements inside your node, you need to set pointer-events:all explicitly for these elements
  • zoomOnScroll: default: true. Zoom the graph in and out using the mousewheel or trackpad
  • zoomOnPinch: default: true. Zoom the graph in and out using pinch
  • panOnScroll: default: false. Move the graph while keeping the zoomlevel using mousewheel or trackpad. Overwrites zoomOnScroll
  • panOnScrollSpeed: default: 0.5. Controls how fast the canvas is moved while using the mousewheel. Only has an effect if panOnScroll is enabled
  • panOnScrollMode: default: 'free'. Possible values are 'free' (all directions), 'vertical' (only vertical) or 'horizontal' (only horizontal)
  • zoomOnDoubleClick: default: true
  • selectNodesOnDrag: default: true
  • paneMoveable: default: true - If set to false, panning is disabled
  • connectionMode: default: 'strict'. Possible values are 'strict' (only source to target connections are possible) or 'loose' (source to source and target to target connections are allowed)

Element Customization

  • nodeTypes: object with node types
  • edgeTypes: object with edge types
  • nodeTypesId: if you need to update your nodeTypes, you can pass a unique id here (we will remove this hack in the v10 release)
  • edgeTypesId: if you need to update your edgeTypes, you can pass a unique id here (we will remove this hack in the v10 release)
  • arrowHeadColor: default: #b1b1b7
  • markerEndId: Gets used as the marker-end attribute of the edges

Connection Line Options

  • connectionLineType: connection line type = default (bezier), straight, step, smoothstep example usage
import {ConnectionLineType} from 'react-flow-renderer';


  • deleteKeyCode: numberstring default: Backspace
  • selectionKeyCode: numberstring default: Shift - While pressing the selectionKeyCode and dragging the mouse you can create a selection for multiple nodes and edges
  • multiSelectionKeyCode: numberstring default Meta - While pressing the multiSelectionKeyCode you can select multiple nodes and edges with a click
  • zoomActivationKeyCode: numberstring default Meta - While pressing the zoomActivationKeyCode you can zoom even if panOnScroll=true or zoomOnScroll=false
Typescript: The interface of the ReactFlow Prop Types are exported as ReactFlowProps. You can use it in your code as follows:
import { ReactFlowProps } from 'react-flow-renderer';
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current version: 9.6.9