Edge Options

You create edges by adding them to your elements array of the ReactFlow component.
Edge example:
id: 'e1-2',
type: 'straight',
source: '1',
target: '2',
animated: true,
label: 'edge label'
If you wanted to display this edge, you would need a node with id = 1 (source node) and another one with id = 2 (target node).


  • id: string (required)
  • source: string (an id of a node) (required)
  • target: string (an id of a node) (required)
  • sourceHandle: string (an id of a handle - you only need this when you have multiple handles)
  • targetHandle: string (an id of a handle - you only need this when you have multiple handles)
  • type: 'default' (bezier), 'straight', 'step' and 'smoothstep' or a custom one depending on your implementation
  • animated: boolean
  • style: css properties for the edge line path
  • className: additional class name
  • label: string
  • labelStyle: css properties for the text
  • labelShowBg: boolean - default: true
  • labelBgStyle: css properties for the text background
  • labelBgPadding: [number, number] background rectangle padding - default: [2, 4]
  • labelBgBorderRadius: number - default 2
  • arrowHeadType: 'arrow' or 'arrowclosed' - defines the arrowhead of the edge
  • markerEndId: custom marker end url - if this is used arrowHeadType gets ignored
  • isHidden: if true, the edge will not be rendered
  • data: {} you can use this to pass data to your custom edges.
You can find an example with different edges in the edges example.
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current version: 9.6.9